Shape your idea through active learning and project management

Do you have an idea for a short film, a philanthropic or community event, a documentary, a literary, theatrical, or music production, a pop-up business, a digital or hard copy publication or a museum exhibition?

Be a Build Collaborative Fellow

Every student participant is a Build Collaborative Fellow who is expected to take part in activities that explore the history and fundamentals of project management and the role of the liberal arts in business and creative/entrepreneurial enterprises.

Earn credit

Build Collaborative Fellows enroll in the Build Collaborative Lab, BILD-400, and earn academic credits of 2 to 4 semester hours, depending on approval by your home department, that can be used to satisfy a capstone, practicum or other degree requirement.


Application & Awardees

Contact Information

Application Deadline:
Friday, April 25 at 5 p.m.


Collaborate with faculty, peers and alumni 

Students have the opportunity to satisfy major requirements or a significant part of their coursework for self-designed majors. 

Connect with community entities

The Central Susquehanna Valley will serve as a laboratory, fostering collaborations between students and local businesses and nonprofits.

Application and awardees

Applications to be a Build Collaborative Fellow are competitive; each requires careful explanation of your project and your readiness to build it, a budget and a list of project team members. Projects must be interdisciplinary and team members must individually and collectively reflect the knowledge and skills needed to bring your project to completion. For example, a philanthropic or community event team might include communications, religious studies, history, publishing & editing and marketing majors.

Awardees will receive funding commensurate with the scope and aims of their project, workspace and faculty guidance for staying on schedule. They compete with other teams for the Best Build Award. Fellows may also request academic credit for a project from their home departments.


All current Susquehanna sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to be Build Collaborative Fellows. Applicants are not restricted by major, but the proposed team project must be focused on a product, service or research and development related to the liberal arts, business and creativity. Each semester, fellows will meet regularly in the Build Collaborative Lab, BILD-400; attendance is required.


Only one application per team should be submitted. No fewer than three students and no more than six may be on a team. Preference will be given to projects that best embrace the interdisciplinary mission and vision of The Build Collaborative. Applicants should give careful consideration to the time-intensive nature of Build Collaborative projects and whether their schedules will accommodate that project in addition to their coursework and any co-curricular obligations.

Applications to be a Build Collaborative Fellow must include:

  • A description of the proposed team project that explains how the project connects to the liberal arts, business and creativity, and reflects a need the team sees in today’s job market (no more than 500 words).
  • An itemized budget for the project, including any needed products or services, noting their intended use(s).
  • A clear timeline for the project.
  • A list of team members, each members’ major(s) and/or minor(s), and the relevant skills and knowledges they possess to successfully complete this project.
  • Responses to the application questions below.

Application questions (no more than 1,000 words total):

  1. What preparation and resources does your team have to begin this project?
  2. What skills and knowledge does your team hope to cultivate?
  3. What additional guidance and resources will your team need?

Application deadline: Friday, April 25 at 5 p.m.


Contact Us

The Build Collaborative

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Phone & Email

Dr. Laurence Roth,
Director of The Build Collaborative